30 Most Popular Movies Right Now: Top Films Everyones Watching << Rotten Tomatoes Movie and TV News

If you're looking for a sharply-written, darkly-comedic satire about the world we live in today, don't miss Vengeance, which was written by, directed by, and stars BJ Novak. The movie follows a 30-something NYC media guy who ends up in rural Texas following the death of a girl he hardly knew—and finds himself entrenched in what may or may not be a murder mystery. Holbrook top movies in particular gives a fantastic performance—he's the movie's driving force, turning the audience from coastal elites into true Texans one one-liner at a time. After doing a combination old-school monster movie/slow-burn psychological thriller with his last movie The Lighthouse, director Robert Eggers switched things up and making an epic with The Northman.

Given the film’s immense popularity, it was obvious that many sequels would follow. And while they may have slightly diluted the impact of the first film, The Matrix still stands alone in the way it mixes impeccable direction with mind-bending action sequences and a story line that actually makes you think. It also brought the Wachowskis to the forefront of the action movie scene, and it’s been a better place ever since.

As they stumble from one ridiculous scenario to another, they’re pursued by Bud’s convict sister , whose car they stole for the trip. Raunchy, shocking, and relentlessly funny, the film blends scripted scenes with wild hidden-camera pranks and its duo’s signature comedy for a film that’s all about the journey, not the destination. Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams play a pair of Icelandic musicians with dreams of stardom in this 2020 comedy. A musical underdog story featuring a host of real-world Eurovision winners in cameo roles, The Story of Fire Saga is silly fun that warms the heart and is almost certain to bring a smile to your face. Fei Fei , grieving the loss of her mother, clings to a legend about a moon goddess named Chang’e. Much to the dismay of her father and his new family, the girl aims to prove that the goddess does indeed exist.

In George Miller’s postapocalyptic film, gasoline and water have become scarce commodities, and a group of people fleeing a cult leader have to team up to fight for their survival. The film’s dystopian aesthetic and feminist overtones also form part of its unique appeal. A tightly woven, claustrophobic film set on a train barreling toward the end of humanity can sound more like horror than sci-fi, but Snowpiercer is a different and exciting take on the genre.

You may also enjoy our guides to the best sci-fi books of all time and the best space movies. In Little Italy, in 1923, Vito is now known as “Don Vito,” and with his old friend Genco, he has started the Genco Olive Oil Company, which imports oil from Sicily. The American Film Institute proudly curates lists to celebrate excellence in the art form.

The film became the seventh highest-grossing film of 2015, raking in $858.8 million worldwide. This noir-ish thriller takes place in 1937 and centers on a private investigator J.J. "Jake" Gittes , who gets embroiled in a vicious scheme involving Los Angeles' water supply.

Curtin manages to crawl away and is found by Indians and brought to the village where Howard is being honored. Meanwhile, Dobbs is attacked by Gold Hat's bandits, who kill him and steal his boots and burros. They do not recognize the dust as gold-laden and, assuming that it is sand used to make the hides that cover it weigh more, dump it in the desert. In Durango, the bandits are captured when they try to sell the burros and are shot.

A year later, Scarlett gives birth to a daughter, whom Melanie nicknames “Bonnie Blue.” Though Rhett has never cared about Atlanta society, he now wants to ensure Bonnie's future. He begins to acquire respectability, and within a few years his charitable contributions and sincere devotion to Bonnie impresses even the hardest of Atlanta's matrons. Meanwhile, Scarlett still longs for Ashley and has told Rhett that she no longer wants him to share her bedroom.

In this photographic gem of a Hollywood retrospective, director David Fincher delivers a finely layered drama about the writing of a Golden Age masterpiece. The film he’s writing, commissioned by Orson Welles , is Citizen Kane.Mank‘s narrative shifts back and forth from the 1930s to the 1940s, chronicling the turbulent life of its title character throughout his development of the screenplay. Mank was written by the late Jack Fincher, the director’s father, and features amazing performances from its rich ensemble cast. It’s a great watch for cinephiles and casual viewers alike, with a dazzling and authentic take on La La Land’s heyday. Nearly two decades after Zack Snyder first tackled the zombie genre with his Dawn of the Dead remake, the Justice League filmmaker returns with yet another adventure set amid legions of the undead.


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